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Conférence - Eco-evo-patho of microbes in the wild

Frédérique Le RouxCONFÉRENCE en PRÉSENTIEL salle D-225, R-Gaudry et Zoom

« Conférence prononcée en anglais – Lecture given in English »

Frédérique Le Roux, Directrice de recherche à l’IFREMER, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France

Titre de la conférence : « Eco-evo-patho of microbes in the wild »

During this conference I will describe why vibrios in the wild (as opposed to laboratory model strains) and their infective phages are pertinent to address basic questions such as evolutionary and ecological dynamics of parasites, as well as how they are a source of original molecular mechanisms for virulence, resistance and genetic regulation. This will be illustrated by our recent study on the genetic determinants of phage-host interactions in natural populations (Piel et al., submitted) and the characterization of a new family of phage satellites (Barcia Cruz et al, in prep). I will next present the outlines of my research project aiming to: 1) Understand the diversity, mechanisms and evolution of resistance to antimicrobials; 2) Identify the genetic, mechanistic and evolutionary bases of phage–vibrio interactions; 3) Determine the trade-offs of antimicrobial and phage resistance with virulence and identify combinations of phages acting synergistically to control vibrio pathogens.


« Eco-evo-patho of microbes in the wild »

Frédérique Le Roux

Lundi 14 mars 2022 à 11h30

En présentiel : salle D-225 du pavillon Roger-Gaudry

Diffusion en ligne via la plateforme Zoom

Lien de la conférence :

ID de réunion : 838 0448 8050 

Code secret : 893691