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International CITADEL 2023 Symposium

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform healthcare and healthcare services. In logistics and imaging, these technologies are becoming widespread, and hundreds of algorithms are being developed to support patient care. However, a number of challenges remain when it comes to using these technologies on a large scale and in the field. For example, how can we guarantee the safety and performance of an algorithmic model from one hospital environment to another? This question, linked to the widespread use of algorithms, is at the heart of healthcare research and innovation. But there are many other fascinating questions surrounding AI in healthcare.

The Symposium “Tracer le futur de la santé : Transformer les soins par la puissance des données” will be held on November 7 and 8, 2023 at the Pierre-Péladeau amphitheater of the CHUM and will focus on the following themes

Find out more about the symposium