Publications scientifiques

Grandmont A*, Rhouma M, Létourneau-Montminy MP, Thériault W, Mainville I, Arcand, Y. Leduc R, Demers B, Thibodeau A. 2024. Characterization of the effects of a novel probiotic on Salmonella colonization of a piglet-derived intestinal microbiota using improved bioreactor. Animals. 14(5), 787.
Rhouma M, Gaucher ML, Badredine S, Bekal S, Sanders P. 2024. Food risk assessment in the farm-to-table continuum: report from the conference on good hygiene practices to ensure food safety. Agriculture & Food Security. 13 (21).
Lachapelle V, Comeau G, Quessy S, Zanabria R, Rhouma M, Van Vonderen T et al. 2024. The development of a risk assessment model for inedible rendering plants in Canada: identifying and selecting feed safety-related factors. Animals. 14(7), 1020.
- Chagneau, S., Gaucher, ML, Fravalo, P., Thériault, W. & Thibodeau, A. Intestinal Colonization of Campylobacter jejuni and its hepatic dissemination are associated with local and systemic immune responses in broiler chickens. Microorganisms, 11, 1677 - 1677.DOI : 10.3390/microorganisms11071677
- Rhouma M, Madec JY, Laxminarayan R. 2023. Colistin: From the shadows to a One Health approach for addressing antimicrobial resistance. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents. 61, 106713.
- Rhouma M, Archambault M, Butaye P. 2023. Antimicrobial use and resistance in animals from a One Health perspective. Veterinary Sciences. 10, no. 5: 319.
- Bellerose, M., Fravalo, P., Mainville, I., Arcand, Y. & Thibodeau, A. A short-term bioreactor assay to assess the effect of essential oils on a microbiota derived from piglet’s intestinal content. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 65. DOI : 10.1186/s13028-023-00679-w
- Braley, C., Gaucher, ML, Fravalo, P., Shedleur-Bourguignon, F., Longpré, J. & Thibodeau, A. (2023, avril). Slight temperature deviation during a 56-day storage period does not affect the microbiota of fresh vacuum-packed pork loins. Foods, 12, 1695 - 1695. DOI :10.3390/foods12081695
- Heidarpanah, S., Thibodeau, A., Parreira, Valeria, R., Quessy, S., Segura, M., Meniaï, I., Gottschalk, M., Gaudreau, A., Juette, T., Gaucher, M-L. Immunization of broiler chickens with five newly identified surface‑exposed proteins unique to Clostridium perfringens causing necrotic enteritis. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13:5254.
- Baghdadi, M., Brassard, P., Godbout, S., Létourneau, V., Turgeon, N., Rossi, F., Lachance, É., Veillette, M., Gaucher, M-L., Duchaine, C. Contribution of Manure-Spreading Operations to Bioaerosols and Antibiotic Resistance Genes’ Emission. Microorganisms, 2023, 11, 1797.
- George, Paul B. L., Rossi, Florent, St-Germain, Magali-Wen, Amato, Pierre, Badard, Thierry, Bergeron, Michel G., Boissinot, Maurice, Charette, Steve J., Coleman, Brenda L., Corbeil, Jacques, Culley, Alexander I., Gaucher, Marie-Lou, Girard, Matthieu, et al. Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment: Towards Elucidating the Roles of Bioaerosols in Transmission and Detection of Antibacterial Resistance Genes. Antibiotics 2022, 11, 974.
- Rhouma, M.; Soufi, L.; Cenatus, S.; Archambault, M.; Butaye, P., Current Insights Regarding the Role of Farm Animals in the Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance from a One Health Perspective. Veterinary Sciences 9, no. 9: 480.
- Chagneau, Sophie, Gaucher, Marie-Lou, Thériault, William, Fravalo, Philippe & Thibodeau, Alexandre. Observations supporting commensalism and competition between Campylobacter jejuni strains colonizing the broiler chicken gut. Frontiers in Microbiology.
- Braley, C., Fravalo P., Gaucher ML., Larivière-Gautier G., Shedleur-Bourguignon F., Longpré J. & Thibodeau A. Similar Carcass Surface Microbiota Observed Following Primary Processing of Different Pig Batches. Frontiers in Microbiology-Food Microbiology.
- Beauchemin, J., Fréchette, A., Thériault, W., Dufour, S., Fravalo, P. & Thibodeau, A. Comparison of microbiota of recycled manure solids and straw bedding used in dairy farms in eastern Canada. Journal of Dairy Science, 105, 389 - 408. DOI : 10.3168/jds.2021-20523
- Beauchemin, J.; Fréchette, A.; Thériault, W.; Dufour, S.; Fravalo, P.; Thibodeau, A., Comparison of microbiota of recycled manure solids and straw bedding used in dairy farms in eastern Canada, Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 105, 389 - 408 (American Dairy Science Association, Janvier 2022). doi: 10.3168/jds.2021-20523
- Meniaï, I., Thibodeau, A., Quessy, S., Parreira, V. R., Fravalo, P., Beauchamp, G., Gaucher, M-L. Putative antigenic proteins identified by comparative reverse vaccinology in necrotic enteritis-causing Clostridium perfringens isolated from broiler chickens. BMC Genomics, décembre 2021.
- Rhouma M, Braley C, Thériault W, Thibodeau A, Quessy S, Fravalo P. 2021. Evolution of pig fecal microbiota composition and diversity in response to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection and colistin treatment in weaned piglets. Microorganisms. 9, 1459.
- Rhouma M, Tessier M, Aenishaenslin C, Sanders P, Carabin H. 2021. Should the increased awareness of the One Health approach brought by the COVID-19 pandemic be used to further tackle the challenge of antimicrobial resistance? Antibiotics. 10, 464.
- Turcotte, C., Thibodeau, A., Quessy, S., Topp, E., Beauchamp, G., Fravalo, P., Archambault, M., Gaucher, M-L. Impacts of short-term antibiotic withdrawal and long-term judicious antibiotic use on resistance gene abundance and cecal microbiota composition on commercial broiler chicken farms in Québec. Frontiers in veterinary science. 21 Decembre 2020.
- Rabhi, N., Thibodeau, A., Devillers, N., Laplante, B., Fravalo, P., Larivière-Gauthier, G., Beauchamp, G., P. Thériault, W., Faucitano, L. and Quessy, S. Association between tail-biting and intestinal microbiota composition in pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences, 9 December 2020.
- Lachapelle, V., Racicot, M., Comeau, G., Rhouma, M., Leroux, A., Noubissie, O. W., Provost, F., Zanabria, R., Gaucher, M-L., Costa, M., Chorfi, Y., Holley, R., Smillie, J., Bosch, M-L., Dumas, A., Brockhoff, E., Collins, S., Snelgrove, P., Quessy, S. Expert elicitation to estimate the feed safety impact of criteria included in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency risk assessment model for feed mills. Journal of Food Protection, 21 novembre 2020.
- Racicot, M., Comeau, G., Leroux, A., Quessy, S., Ng, S., Cereno, T., Venne, D., Hébert, G., Vaillancourt, J.-P., Fravalo, P., Ouckama, R., Mitevski, D., Guerin, M.T., Agunos, A., DeWinter, L., Catford, A., Gaucher, M.-L. Expert Elicitation to Estimate the Relative Risk of Food Safety Criteria Included in the Establishment-Based Risk Assessment Model for Canadian Hatcheries. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 6 Novembre 2020.
- Larivière-Gauthier, G., Thibodeau, A., Yergeau, E. and Fravalo, P. Sows affect their piglets’ faecal microbiota until fattening but not their Salmonella enterica shedding status. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2 octobre 2020.
- Boubendir, S., Arsenault, J., Quessy, S., Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., P. Thériault, W., Fournaise, S., Gaucher, M.-L. Salmonella contamination of broiler chicken carcasses at critical steps of the slaughter process and in the environment of two slaughter plants: Prevalence, genetic profiles and association with the final carcass status. Journal of Food Protection. 1er Octobre 2020.
- Rhouma, M., Lachapelle, V., Comeau, G., Quessy, S., Zanabria, R., Provost, F., Italiano, C., Holley, R., Smillie, J., Brockhoff, E., Bosch, M.-L., Collins, S., Dumas, A., Chorfi, Y., Costa, M., Gaucher, M.-L., Racicot, M. Identification and selection of animal health and food safety‐related risk factors to be included in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s risk assessment model for livestock feed mills. Journal of Food Control. 18 septembre 2020.
- Rhouma, M., Romero-Barrios, P., Gaucher, M.-L. and Bhachoo, S. Antimicrobial resistance associated with the use of antimicrobial processing aids during poultry processing operations: Cause for concern? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 3 août 2020.
- Trudeau, S., Thibodeau, A., Gaucher, M.-L., Fravalo, P. Contribution of the broiler breeders’ fecal microbiota to the establishment of the eggshell microbiota. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15 avril 2020.
- Larouche, É., Généreux, M., Tremblay, M.-È., Rhouma, M., Gasser, M.-O., Quessy, S., Côté, C. Impact of liquid hog manure applications on antibiotic resistance genes concentration in soil and drainage water in field crops. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 4 Avril 2020.
- Racicot, M., Comeau, G., Tremblay, A., Quessy,S., Cereno, T., Charron‐Langlois, M., Venne, D., Hébert, G., Vaillancourt, J.-P., Fravalo, P., Ouckama, R., Mitevski, D., T. Guerin, M., Agunos, A., DeWinter, L., Catford, A., Mackay, A., Gaucher, M.-L. Identification and selection of food safety‐related risk factors to be included in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Establishment‐based Risk Assessment model for Hatcheries. Zoonoses Public Health. 24 septembre 2019.
- Garba, A. S., Thibodeau, A., Perron, A., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Letellier, A., and Fravalo, P. In vitro efficacy of potentiated egg yolk powder against Campylobacter jejuni does not correlate with in vitro efficacy. Plos One . 16 avril 2019.
- Rhouma, M., P. Thériault, W., Rabhi, N., Duchaine, C., Quessy, S., Fravalo, P. First identification of mcr-1/mcr-2 genes in the fecal microbiota of Canadian commercial pigs during the growing and finishing period. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Report. 4 juillet 2019.
- Vounba, P.*, Rhouma, M.*, Arsenault, J., Bada, A.R., Fravalo, P., Fairbrother J.M. Prevalence of colistin resistance and mcr-1/mcr-2 genes in extended-spectrum β-lactamase/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli isolated from chickens in Canada, Senegal and Vietnam. * These authors contributed equally to this work. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance. 14 mai 2019.
- Cherifi, T., Carrillo, C., Lambert, D., Meniaï, I., Quessy, S., Larivière-Gauthier, G., Blais, B., Fravalo, P. Genomic characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates reveals that their persistence in a pig slaughterhouse is linked to the presence of benzalkonium chloride resistance genes. BMC Microbiol. 20 Décembre 2018.
- Langlais, M., Thibodeau, A. and Fravalo, P. A metagenomic analysis of the pre-enrichment step for the isolation of Salmonella spp. from pig feces. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 18 décembre 2018.
- Lafrance-Girard, C., Arsenault, J., Thibodeau, A., Opsteegh,M., Avery, B. and Quessy, S. Toxoplasma gondii in Retail Beef, Lamb, and Pork in Canada: Prevalence, Quantification, and Risk Factors from a Public Health Perspective. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 11 Décembre 2018.
- Lariviere-Gauthier, G., Thibodeau, A., Letellier, A., Yergeau, E., and Fravalo, P. Salmonella shedding status of the sow affects the microbiota of their piglets at weaning. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 26 octobre 2018.
- Lan, T.Q.L., Gaucher, M.-.L, Nhan, N.T.M., Letellier, A. and Quessy, S. Distribution of virulence genes among Salmonella serotypes isolated from pigs in southern Vietnam. Journal of Food Protection. 7 août 2018.
- Kagambèga, A., Thibodeau, A., Trinetta, V., K. Soro, D., N. Sama, F., Bako, É., S. Bouda, C., Wereme N'Diaye, A., Fravalo, P. and Barro, N. Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. in poultry feces and carcasses in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Food Science and Nutrition. 16 Juillet 2018.
- Gaucher, M.-L., Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., Archambault, M., Arsenault, J., Fournaise, S., Letellier, A., Quessy, S., . Broiler chicken carcasses and their associated abattoirs as a source of enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens: Prevalence and critical steps for contamination. AIMS Microbiology.13 Juin 2018.
- Rhouma, M., Bessalah, S., Salhi, I., P.Thériault, W., Fairbrother, J.M., Fravalo, P. Screening for fecal presence of colistin-resistant Escherichia coli and mcr-1 and mcr-2 genes in camel-calves in southern Tunisia. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 5 Juin 2018.
- Racicot, M., Zanabria, R., Leroux, A., Ng, S., Cormier, M., Tiwari, A., Aklilu, S., Currie, R., Arsenault, J., Griffiths, M., Holley, R., Gill, T., Charlebois, S., Quessy, S. Quantifying the impact of food safety criteria included in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency risk assessment model for food establishments through Expert Elicitation. Food Control. 19 mai 2018.
- Mehdi, Y., M-P. Létourneau-Montminy, M.-P., Gaucher, M.-L., Chorfi, Y., Suresh, G., Rouissi, T., Kaur Brar, S., Coté, C., Ramirez, A.A., Godbout, S. Use of antibiotics in broiler production: Global impacts and alternatives. Animal Nutrition. 3 avril 2018.
- Racicot, M., Zanabria, R., Paradis, M.-È., Gaucher, M.-L., Arsenault, J., Letellier, A., Tiwari, A., Griffiths, M., Charlebois, S., Holley, R., Gill, T. Quessy, S. Identification of risk factors to be considered for food establishments’ risk assessment models. Microbial Risk Analysis. 7 février 2018.
- Thibodeau, A, Fravalo, P., Perron, A., Laurent-Lewandowski,S., Letellier, A.. Production and characterization of anti-Campylobacter jejuni IgY derived from egg yolks. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 6 décembre 2017.
- Larivière-Gauthier, G., Thibodeau, A., Letellier, A., Yergeau, E., Fravalo, P. Reduction of Salmonella shedding by sows during gestation in relation to its fecal microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10 novembre 2017.
- Zanabria, R., Racicot, M., Cormier, M., Arsenault, J., Ferrouillet, C., Letellier, A., Tiwari, A., Mackay, A., Griffiths, M., Holley, R., Gill, T., Charlebois, S., Quessy, S. Selection of risk factors to be included in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency risk assessment inspection model for food establishments. Journal of Food Microbiology, 30 septembre 2017.
- Trigui, H., Lee, K., Thibodeau, A., Lévesque, S., Mendis, N., Fravalo, P., Letellier, A., P. Faucher, S. Phenotypic and Transcriptomic Responses of Campylobacter jejuni suspended in an artificial freshwater medium. Frontiers in Microbiol0gy. 20 septembre 2017.
- Rhouma, M., Fairbrother, J.M., Beaudry, F., Letellier, A. Post weaning diarrhea in pigs: Risk factors and non-colistin-based control strategies. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 19 mai 2017.
- Gaucher, M.-L., G. Perron, G., Arsenault, J., Letellier, A., Boulianne, M., Quessy, S. Recurring necrotic enteritis outbreaks in commercial broiler chicken flocks strongly influence toxin gene carriage and species richness in the resident Clostridium perfringens population. Frontiers in Microbiology. 17 mai 2017.
- Cherifi, T., Jacques, M., Quessy, S., Fravalo, P. Impact of Nutrient restriction on the structure of Listeria monocytogenes biofilm in a microfluidic system. Frontiers in Microbiology. 17 may 2017.
- Fravalo, P., Cherifi., T., Neira, K., Letellier, A., Fairbrother, J.-H., Bekal, S. Characterisation of InlA truncation in Listeria monocytogenes isolates from farm animals and human cases in the province of Quebec. Veterinary Record Open. 23 avril 2017.
- Thibodeau, A., Letellier, A., Yergeau, É., Larivière-Gauthier, G. et Fravalo, P. Lack of evidence that selenium-yeast improves chicken health and modulates the caecal microbiota in the context of colonization by Campylobacter jejuni. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14 mars 2017.
- Rhouma, M., Letellier, A. Extended-spectrum β-lactamases, carbapenemases, and the mcr-1 gene: Is there a historical link? International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Mars 2017.
- Lachapelle, V., Letellier, A., Fravalo, P., Brassard, J., L’Homme, Y. Dynamics of virus distribution in a defined swine production network using enteric viruses as molecular markers. Applied and Environmental microbiology. 1er février 2017.
- Lebel, P., Letellier, A., Longpré, J., Laplante, B., Yergeau, E., Fravalo, P. Feed presentation options in swine early fattening mitigates Salmonella shedding and specifically modulates the faecal microbiota. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Janvier 2017.
- Rhouma, M., Fairbrother J.M., P.Thériault, W., Beaudry, F., Bergeron, N., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Letellier, A. The fecal presence of enterotoxin and F4 genes as an indicator of efficacy of treatment with colistin sulfate in pigs. BMC Microbiology. 5 janvier 2017.
- Rhouma, M., Beaudry, F., P.Thériault, W., Letellier, A. Colistin in pig production: Chemistry, mechanism of antibacterial action, microbial resistance emergence, and One Health perspectives. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11 novembre 2016.
- Rhouma, M., Beaudry, F., Letellier, A. Resistance to colistin: what is the fate for this antibiotic in pig production? International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Août 2016.
- Jahanbakhsh, S., G. Smith, M., Kohan-Ghadr, H.-R., Letellier, A., Abraham, S., J. Trott, D., Fairbrother, J.M. Dynamics of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance in pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from diseased pigs in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Août 2016.
- Nantel-Fortier, N., Letellier, A., Lachapelle, V., Fravalo, P., L’Homme, Y., Brassard, J. Detection and phylogenetic analysis of the Hepatitis E virus in a Canadian swine production network. Food and Environmental Virology. 15 Juillet 2016.
- Rhouma, M., Beaudry, F., P.Theriault, W., Bergeron, N., Beauchamp, G., Laurent-Lewandowsk,i S., Fairbrother, J.M., Letellier, A. In vivo therapeutic efficacy and pharmacokinetics of colistin sulfate in an experimental model of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection in weaned pigs. Veterinary Research. 27 mai 2016.
- Longpré, J., Fairbrother, J.M., Fravalo, P., Arsenault, J., LeBel, P., Laplante, B., Surprenant, C., Massé, D., Letellier, A. Impact of mash feeding versus pellets on propionic/butyric acid levels and on total Escherichia coli load in the gastrointestinal tract of growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science. Février 2016.
- Boulianne, M., Arsenault, J., Daignault, D., Archambault, M., Letellier, A., Dutil, L. Drug use and antimicrobial resistance among Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. isolates from chicken and turkey flocks slaughtered in Québec, Canada. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Janvier 2016.
- Trigui, H., Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., Letellier, A. et P. Faucher, S. Survival in water of Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from the slaughterhouse. SpringerPlus. 22 Décembre 2015.
- Rhouma, M., Beaudry, F., P.Thériault, W., Bergeron, N., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Fairbrother, J.M., Letellier, A. Gastric stability and oral bioavailability of colistin sulfate in pigs challenged or not with Escherichia coli O149: F4 (K88). Research in Veterinay Science. Octobre 2015.
- Généreux, M., Breton, M.-J., Fairbrother, J.M., Fravalo, P., Côté, C. Persistence of Indicator and Pathogenic Microorganisms in Broccoli Following Manure Spreading and Irrigation with fecally contaminated Water: Field Experiment. Journal of Food Protection. 1er October 2015.
- Gaucher, M.-L., Quessy, S., Letellier, A., Arsenault, J., Boulianne, M. Impact of a drug-free program on broiler chicken growth performances, gut health, Clostridium perfringens and Campylobacter jejuni occurrences at farm level. Août 2015. Poultry Science.
- Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., Yergeau, É., Arsenault, J., Lahaye, L. et Letellier, A. Chicken Caecal microbiome modifications inducend by Campylobacter jejuni colonization an by a non-antibiotic feed additive. PloS One. 10 juillet 2015.
- Larivière-Gauthier,G., Quessy, S., Fournaise, S., Letellier, A., Fravalo, P. Different types of stainless steel used in equipment in meat plants do not affect the initial microbial transfer, including pathogens, from pork skin. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Juillet 2015.
- Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., N. Taboada, E., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Guévremont, E., Quessy, S and Letellier, A. Extensive characterization of Campylobacter jejuni chicken isolates to uncover genes involved in theability to compete for gut colonization. BMC Microbiology, 10 mai 2015.
- Larivière-Gauthier, G., Letellier, A., Kérouanton, A., Bekal, S., Quessy, S., Fournaise, S., Fravalo, P. Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes strains distribution in a pork slaughter and cutting plant in the province of Quebec. Journal of Food Protection. Décembre 2014.
- Lachapelle, V., Sohal, J.-S., Lambert, M.-C., Brassard, J., Fravalo, P., Letellier, A., L’Homme, Y. Genetic diversity of group A rotavirus in swine in Canada. 9 janvier 2014. Archives of Virology.
- Racicot, M., Kocher, A., Beauchamp, G., Letellier, A., Vaillancourt, J.-P. Assessing most practical and effective protocols to sanitize hands of poultry catching crew members. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1er août 2013.
- Rhouma, M., de Oliveira El Warrak, A., Troncy, E., Beaudry, F., Chorfi, Y. Anti-inflammatory response of dietary vitamin E and its effects on pain and joint structures during early stages of surgically induced osteoarthritis in dogs. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Juillet 2013.
- Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., Garneau, P., Masson, L., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Quessy,S., Harel, J., Letellier, A. Distribution of Colonization and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Chicken. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 8 avril 2013.
- De Oliveira El-Warrak, A., Rhouma, M., Amoroso, A., Boysen, S.R., Chorfi, Y. Measurement of vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, and L-lactate in dogs with and without osteoarthritis secondary to ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. The Canadian Veterinary Journal. Décembre 2012.
- Tremblay, C.-L., Letellier, A., Quessy, S., Daignault, D., Archambault, M. Antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus faecalis in abattoir pigs and plasmid colocalization and cotransfer of tet(M) and erm(B) genes. Journal of Food Protection. 1er septembre 2012.
- Lavoie-Lamoureux, A., Beauchamp, G., Quessy, S., Martin, J.G., Lavoie, J.-P. Systemic inflammation and priming of peripheral blood leukocytes persist during clinical remission in horses with heaves. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 15 mars 2012.
- Thibodeau, A., Fravalo, P., Laurent-Lewandowski, S., Guèvremont, É., Quessy, S., Letellier, A. Presence and Characterization of Campylobacter jejuni in organically raised chicken in Québec. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Octobre 2011.
- Tremblay, C.-L., Letellier, A., Quessy, S., Boulianne, M., Daignault, D. and Archambault, M. Multiple-Antibiotic Resistance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium from Cecal Contents in Broiler Chicken and Turkey Flocks Slaughtered in Canada and Plasmid Colocalization of tetO and ermB Genes. Journal of Food Protection. 1er octobre 2011.
- Bao, K.D., Letellier, A., and Beaudry, F. Analysis of Staphylococcus enterotoxin B using differential isotopic tags and liquid chromatography quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry. Biomedical chromatography, 28 octobre 2011.
- Kalmokoff, M., Waddington, L.M., Thomas, M., Liang, K.-L., Ma, C., Topp, E., Desranleau Dandurand, U., Letellier, A., Matias, F., and Brooks, S.P.J. Continuous feeding of antimicrobial growth promoters to commercial swine during the growing ⁄ finishing phase does not modify faecal community erythromycin resistance or community structure. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Juin 2011.